Tytuł Review of International American Studies
ISSN 1991-2773
Wydawca Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Inne tytuły
Liczba artykułów w woluminie: 13
Review of International American Studies
2009-2010, Tom 4, Numer 1-2

Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
Hemi-spheric transnationalism Cyraina Johnson-Roullier s. 5-9
The Riptide Currents of Transnationalism Laura Doyle s. 10-13
Modern America: Gwendolyn Bennett and Victoria Ocampo Capture the Continents Sonita Sarker s. 14-20
‘I wind my veil about this ancient stone’: Yeats’s Cuchulain and Modernity Margaret Mills Harper s. 21-24
‘Blackness’, Modernity, and the Ideology of Visibility in the Harlem Renaissance Cyraina Johnson-Roullier s. 25-30
Letters to the Metropole: The Rhetoric of Distance in Sor Juana’s Poetry Jeremy Paden s. 31-35
A Rim with a View: Modernist Studies and the Pacific Rim Stephen Yao s. 36-39
‘Safety is in our speed’: Reading Bauman Reading Emerson Giorgio Mariani s. 40-48
Of Indians and Modernity in Gloria Anzaldúa’s Borderlands Tace Hedrick s. 49-66
Reinventing Art and Ethnography: Hurston, Dunham and Deren in Haiti Kirsten Strom s. 67-82
Notes on contributors s. 83-84
Abstracts s. 85-90
RIAS Editorial Policy s. 91-92