Tytuł The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies
ISSN 2299-4335
Wydawca Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
Inne tytuły
Liczba artykułów w woluminie: 16
The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies
2013, Numer 2 (4)

Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
New geopolitics : what is actually "new"? Agnieszka Legucka s. 5-19
The research on political elites : steady vs. modern theories Oleksandra Matushenko s. 07-105
The limits of rationalist explanations for the development of international security instiututions Michał Drgas s. 20-35
The concept of startegic partnership as an input in the modern alliance theory Lucyna Czechowska s. 36-51
Disintegration tendencies in the contemporary international order : separatism, secession, revolution Maria Pobóg-Lenartowicz Karolina Rojek s. 52-77
Political regime theory : identifying and defining three archetypes Jeroen Van den Bosch s. 78-96
Treaty politics : sources of law and historical development Iwona Galewska s. 106-127
The Kurds in the former Soviet states from historical and cultural perspectives Khanna Omarkhali s. 128-142
Kurdish diaspora politics in globalising processes Ann-Catrin Emanuelsson s. 143-158
An historical overview to the Kurdish problem Michael Gunter s. 159-182
Moving toward equity : bringing bilingual education to Turkey's Kurdish children Elizabeth Story s. 183-202
Molla Mustafa Barzani in the USA 1975-1979 Hakan Özoğlu s. 203-210
"Honour"-based violence : moving towards action in Iraqi Kurdistan Nazand Begikhani Gill Hague s. 211-221
"Движение по спирали. Политическая система России в ряду других систем", Дмитрий Фурман, Москва 2010 : [recenzja] Maryana Prokop Dmitrij Furman (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 222-225
"Arabska wiosna. Rewolucja w świecie islamskim", Jörg Armbruster, Wrocław 2012 : [recenzja] Aleksandra Wilczyńska Jörg Armbruster (aut. dzieła rec.) s. 226-228
Authors s. 229-230
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