Tytuł artykułu    Autorzy Strony Czynności
"Remember, Reflect, Reimagine" : Jews and Irish nationalism through the lens of the 1916 centenary commemorations Natalia Wynn s. 4-25
Seekers of happiness : Jews and jazz in the Soviet Union Victoria Khiterer s. 26-50
Casting a shadow backwards and forwards : the para-Holocaust fiction of Charles Reznikoff, Isaac Bashevis Singer and Bernard Malamud Jacek Partyka s. 52-66
Fighting for the Rosenbergs : The Polish staging of Leon Kruczkowski's play "Julius and Ethel" Barry Keane s. 68-75
Narrating Jewish history in free walking tours - Warsaw as a case study Sabine Stach s. 76-91
Entangled heritage : Wrocław's German-Jewish and Polish-Jewish history exhibitions, 1920-2010 Vasco Kretschmann s. 92-102
Remembering Southern Germany's Jewish past - initiatives and developments since the 1980's Martin Renghart s. 104-116
After-effects : The representation of the Holocaust, its universal moral implication, and the transgenerational transformation of the trauma based on the Israeli documentary film "Oy Mama" Liat Steir-Livny s. 118-134
Performing the Holocaust on social networks : digitality, transcultural memory and new forms of narrating Eva Pfanzelter s. 136-151
Abstracts s. 152-157